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Developmental Activities For 3 Month Old Babies in Daycare

developmental activities
Developmental activities for 3 month old babies in daycare.

Three-month-old infants are experiencing rapid physical and psychological development. As they become more aware of their capabilities and the world around them, daycare centers must provide activities to encourage physical and mental growth. This blog post will discuss specific developmental activities suitable for a three-month-old infant in daycare.

Check out Grow with me—a free infant curriculum with activities to meet milestones for the littlest students in your care.

Infant Sleeping Schedule

At 3 months, infants should sleep between 14-16 hours daily. Much of those sleeping hours occur during daycare. Napping should occur every 2-3 hours, with 4 naps throughout the day. Ensure the infant’s crib or bassinet is comfortable with a fitted sheet and a sleep sack. If your facility is noisy during nap time, consider playing white noise to help soothe the baby into slumber.

infant sleeping schedule

Infant Feeding Schedule

Three months old infants are fed on demand. An infant should never be forced to finish a bottle if he or she does not want the entire amount offered. It is also essential to monitor how much an infant eats and communicate that with babies parents. Daily sheets are a great way to record babies’ days in daycare.

Infant Nervous System

At three months old, babies have more control over their bodies! The infant nervous system is maturing. They can track movement with their eyes, hold their heads up while supported, smile at familiar faces, and reach out toward exciting objects! Encourage activity by providing safe toys that promote reaching and grasping, like lightweight rattles and colorful plush animals that make noise when squeezed. Rattles are perfect for infant grasping development.

Infant grasping development
Infant grasping development

Fussy Infant

As babies develop emotionally, they start to experience fussy periods. A fussy infant will be agitated or uncomfortable even when fed or changed. This is normal behavior at this age as a range of emotions begins to mature. Make sure the environment is calm and quiet during these moments but know that sometimes there’s just nothing you can do except wait it out until the baby calms down again.

Favorite Toys For 3 Month Olds

Some favorite toys for 3-month-olds are rattles and teethers. These small toys are perfect because they are both entertaining and stimulating! Rattles help encourage fine motor skills such as grasping. In contrast, teethers help soothe sore gums from emerging teeth coming in! Choose toys made from non-toxic materials like wood or organic cotton so babies don’t put anything harmful in their mouths when playing!

Activities for infants in daycare

Three-month-olds are rapidly developing physically and psychologically, daycare centers must provide appropriate developmental activities for infants in daycare explicitly tailored for them! Caregivers should create a safe environment that encourages physical activity while simultaneously allowing time for restful naps throughout the day as well as emotional development through playtime with toys designed specifically for this age group! By following these steps, you can ensure your facility provides optimal care for your three-month-old infants in care!

Infants In Childcare

Supporting and nurturing the development of 3-month-old infants in childcare is an incredibly rewarding experience. Through patience, dedication, care and providing a secure environment for growing curiosity, you can help these little ones take their first steps into discovering life’s wonders!

Check out my Grow with Me YouTube Playlist if you found this blog post helpful. Here you will find videos for each month of an infant’s first year. I provide useful tips and activities to enrich their infant development.

Head to the provider’s main page for great tips and help create your dream childcare program.

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