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Engaging 4 month old activities to encourage development in your infant classroom

4 month old activities
Engaging 4 month old activities to encourage development.

As a childcare provider, your daily routine must involve activities that promote the growth and development of children in your care. Babies that are four months old need a nurturing environment where they can practice their communication, motor, and cognitive skills under your guidance. This blog post will discuss some 4 month old activities you can incorporate into your daily routine to help support infant development.

Check out ClubbhouseKids Grow with me—a free infant curriculum with activities to meet milestones for the littlest students in your care.

Strengthening Hand and Finger Muscles through Play

Watching your baby grow and develop can be an amazing experience, especially during playtime. One activity that can profoundly impact their physical abilities is grasping play. By exploring and holding various objects, your little one can turn their natural curiosity into an opportunity to strengthen hand and finger muscles, improve coordination, and capture attention.

4 Month Old Activity

To start, you’ll need a shallow tray and a selection of lightweight items. Place them on the tray and watch as your baby discovers the joys of independent play. They’ll develop new skills and confidence as they learn the goal of holding each object briefly before dropping it.

activities for 4 month old
Infant Grasping Play Ideas

Through the power of play, you can help your baby reach their developmental milestones and give them the tools they need to explore the world around them. So encourage curiosity, and enjoy watching your little learner grow!

Tummy Time Tips

Tummy time is a crucial part of your little one’s growth journey as it helps them practice their large muscles and gain control of their body. Set up a spacious floor area for the baby so they can explore and move freely. Challenge them to reach for a few toys placed just out of their reach to make things more exciting. Watch your little learner soar as they discover a new level of independence through tummy time!

Tummy Time Tips

Shared Attention Activity

Engaging with your infant in a shared attention activity can help foster their awareness of the world. Start by making eye contact with your little one and slowly shifting your gaze to something else. Observe as they turn and discover what has captured your interest. As you enjoy this special moment together, you’re building a more profound bond and helping your baby develop essential skills for their growth and development.

Shared attention

Infant Lesson Plans For Daycare

“Grow with me” offers infant lesson plans for daycare. These activities support early development across eight key areas: cognitive, motor, sensory, and language. Using engaging and age-appropriate activities, daycares can incorporate “Grow with me” into their daily routines to boost learning and growth for their littlest students.

4 Month Old Learning Activities

From sensory play to language development, this program makes learning entertaining and exciting for infants. With monthly lesson plans, daycares can help babies grow and reach new milestones.

4 month old activity
Infant Lesson Plans

Activities For 4 Month Old

As a childcare provider, you play a critical role in the growth and development of the babies in your care. Incorporating these activities for 4 month old into your daily routine can help support their physical, cognitive, and emotional development. Always create a nurturing and safe environment for infants to explore and practice their growing skills.

4 month old development activities

Check out my Grow with Me YouTube Playlist if you found this blog post helpful. Here you will find videos for each month of an infant’s first year. I provide helpful tips and activities to enrich their infant development.

Head to the provider’s main page for great tips and help create your dream childcare program.

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