Fun Five Month Old Developmental Activities For Infants

As a childcare provider, infant teacher, or home daycare owner, you understand the importance of developmental activities for infants. Infants’ cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development occurs during their first year of life. Your littlest students are ready to explore their environment and learn new skills. In this blog post, we’ll share five fun and engaging developmental activities to help your five-month-old reach their developmental milestones.
Check out ClubbhouseKids Grow with me—a free infant curriculum with activities to meet milestones for the littlest students in your care.
1) Fine Motor Development
Hold and Shake Toys
At five months old, babies’ hand-eye coordination is improving, and they’re gaining better control over their hands. Encourage their development by providing soft toys they can hold and shake without dropping. Rattles, teething toys, and soft fabric toys are all great options.
Position the toy above your little one’s chest, or extend it to each side to help the baby develop their reaching capability!

2) Sensory Development
Introduction to Solids: First Foods
At five months, babies may be ready to explore the culinary world! As a childcare provider, I take my clients’ lead and am happy to offer guidance about when to introduce solids.
Before a baby can experience solid foods in my care, I have two requirements.
- Baby must have been given particular food at home for one week prior.
- Baby can hold their head in a steady position confidently.
It’s okay if only small amounts are consumed – this first foray into eating is more about the experience than nutrition – breast milk/formula will still provide all their nourishment needs.
This convenient infant menu planner ensures your precious little ones’ mealtimes are organized and nutritious! Perfect for childcare classrooms or home daycares, the planner offers an infant meal plan, I can eat form, food organization labels – everything you need to provide healthy meals in a stress-free manner.

3) Social-Emotional Development
Stroller Rides
Going for a walk in the stroller is a simple activity that can significantly impact your baby’s social-emotional development. The fresh air and change of scenery provide excellent stimulation. Additionally, hearing your voice and feeling your touch can help your baby feel safe, secure, and loved. As you walk, talk to your baby and point out interesting sights along the way.

4) Gross Motor Development
Song Games
Five-month-old babies are starting to develop stronger neck muscles and gross motor skills. They’re also beginning to react to different tones of voice, so incorporating song games into your baby’s playtime can be a great way to combine developmental milestones. Sing simple nursery rhymes or songs while lifting your baby, spinning them around, or bouncing them gently on your lap.
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Gently Down The Stream
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily
Life Is But A Dream
This Little Piggy
This Little Piggy Went To Market
This Little Piggy Stayed Home
This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef
And This Little Piggy Had None
But This Little Piggy Went
Wee Wee Wee
All The Way Home
Developmental Activities For 5 Month Old
There are so many fun and engaging developmental activities that you can do with your five-month-old baby. From cognitive development games to social-emotional stroller rides, these activities promote your baby’s development and provide an opportunity for bonding and quality time.
Infant Curriculum
Give your daycare’s littlest students the best start in life with “Grow with me” infant lesson plans. These activities are designed to engage and nurture, helping them develop key skills across eight areas – cognitive, motor, sensory, and language. Through fun-filled learning experiences tailored just for infants, you can support their early progress at every exciting growth stage!

Infant Development Activities
Ready to give your baby a head start? Then check out my Grow with Me YouTube Playlist! It’s packed with monthly videos offering invaluable advice and activities tailored to support their development during the exciting first year. Explore now for an edge in enhancing infant growth – it’s time well spent!
As a childcare provider, teacher, or daycare owner, you can help shape your littlest learners’ development and set them on a path of growth and success. So, get creative and have fun with these developmental activities for infants!
Head to the provider’s main page for great tips and help create your dream childcare program.