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How to shift your morning routine for work at home moms from stressful to great.

morning routine for work
How to shift your morning routine for work at home moms from stressful to great.

Looking for a morning routine for work at home moms? I’m going to share with you what worked for me! But first, let’s just be honest, getting up in the morning is so hard, and as a mom, the absolute hardest part is getting up early enough so that you can have a few minutes to yourself before work.

I am a mama to five and a childcare provider, my first clients start showing up at my home around 7 AM. Having the best morning routine to get my day started right is very important. I also know how important it is to have a morning routine that actually works for work at home moms with real kids, real jobs, and real lives!

the best morning routine
The best morning routine for work at home moms!

In this blog post, I’m sharing how to shift your morning routine for work at home moms from stressful to great. My morning routine changed everything for me, I quickly noticed a positive difference in the atmosphere of my home daycare once I had a solid morning routine established. My morning routine helped me become a more productive work-from-home mom and daycare provider. This is what I want for you! In this blog post I’ll be covering:

  • Morning routine definition?
  • Why morning routine is important?
  • What’s a good morning routine?
  • How to build a morning routine.

So if you’re day is starting stressful and chaotic, and you just don’t know how to get started on a morning routine, then you’re in the right place! All of that is about to change for good, let’s get going!

Morning Routine Definition

What exactly do people mean when they talk about their morning routine? Basically, a morning routine definition is a set of tasks that you perform in the same order every morning.

How long should morning routine be?

Morning Routines can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make them, no morning routine is wrong. It could be as simple as getting dressed, brushing your hair and teeth, drinking a glass of water, and reading some scripture. Or as complicated as a two-hour plan that starts with a jog around the neighborhood. There is nothing wrong with either plan and solely depends on the person and what they want to accomplish.

Ideal morning routine

There is no ideal morning routine. They will even look different in different seasons of life. What works for one person, might not be best for another. When I was a mama to toddlers, my morning routine looked very different than what it looks like today as a mama to teens. The whole point is to do a series of tasks that get you into a productive mindset and help you to feel confident, accomplished, and ready to take on the day.

morning routine quote
Don’t let your day get ahead of you!

Why morning routine is important?

How you spend your morning influences the rest of the day. If your morning is rushed and hurried, that feeling will stay with you throughout the day. If you feel calm and in control, that feeling also will stay with you.

As a work at home childcare provider, if I do not complete my morning routine before my first client’s arrival, I feel like I’m playing catch up all morning, I feel more vulnerable to stress and noise, and I find my productivity is low.

The mornings I do complete my morning routine, my day flows so much better. I find I have more energy for the kids, I feel in control of my day and I am able to diffuse stressful events before they turn into meltdowns.

What’s a good morning routine?

So what’s a good morning routine? I wish I could wave a magic wand and the perfect morning routine for you would land in your lap. But this part does take work and is so different for every person.

While you are establishing your morning routine, give yourself grace. Switch things up and look for new options that help you get in the right headspace for the day.

If you feel rejuvenated after a workout morning routine, add that. If spending time in God’s word refreshes you, make time for that. Drink that lemon water and eat avocado toast, if that’s your thing! Or just snuggle with your babies, that’s important too.

And if any of those options don’t appeal to you, that’s okay. This is all about your morning routine, and what you need to set the stage for your successful day!

morning routine healthy

How To Build a Morning Routine?

Now let’s talk about how to build a morning routine. The best way to build a morning routine is to visualize your perfect morning. What do you need to do to feel prepared for the day?

Grab a piece of paper and write down anything that comes to your mind. We will call this a morning routine dump list! After you’ve completed this list go back and write an estimated time each task will take to complete.

Now, this is where imaginary life and real life come into play. We have to think of the season we are currently in. When I was a young mother, I could write out a perfect 4-hour morning routine, but that was just never going to happen! In that season I needed a quick morning routine knowing I had diapers to change and babies to feed before my daycare kids arrived.

As you are writing out your morning routine, create one that you can actually complete and be successful at. A morning routine that looks great on paper but is not applicable in real life, is just more stress added to your life, which is the opposite of what we are trying to do here.

Ideas for morning routine

Morning Routine Example

If you are wanting a morning routine example, I got you! I created a workbook around three areas in my life that I changed, and saw a huge impact in my home daycare!

If you are a childcare provider or mama to young toddlers and are feeling overwhelmed, a morning routine is going to be your life changer!

My daycare used to feel chaotic, and I would second guess myself all the time if I even wanted to continue running a daycare. But guess what, my morning routine was the first thing that changed everything for me.

In the first part of this free workbook, I walk you through step by step how to create a morning routine that will set you up for success. I will even show you my own morning routine example that I am currently doing. You do not have to start each day in chaos, let’s eliminate that morning stress by creating an ideal morning routine!

Fill out the form below, and I will email you that workbook right away!

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The Best 5-Step Morning Routine For Stay At Home Moms

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A Daycare Provider’s Best Morning Routine

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